Creating “Fascinating” Products

ー Contributing to society through business ー

Umeda Kogyo Co.

Swift delivery and supports volume from low to high

We have established a unique production system with our self-developed production management system to meet diverse needs.

Precise machining with the latest equipment and advanced technology

We propose the best manufacturing method by combining the rapid and advanced introduction of the latest equipment with our high technology which had been cultivated over the past 60 years.

A production management system born onsite our plants

By consolidating all information related to in-house operations, we have achieved in-depth speed-up process and efficiency.

A work system in tune with time

We promote multi-skilled work through the transfer of IT-based technology. We have established a work system that meets the needs of each generation.

Environmental Policy

Based on the philosophy of "Leave the Blue Earth as it is," we aim to contribute to society through environmentally friendly activities.

Quality Policy

We will achieve "100% customer satisfaction" by creating products with high quality systems that answer the needs of our customers.

With reliable technology and state-of-the-art facilities,
We visualize manufacturing that appeals.

Umeda Kogyo excels metalworking in a wide range of fields with a focus on precise sheet metal.
HG1003 ATC

A fusion of cutting-edge technology and skilled craftsmanship

In order to pursue better quality and production efficiency, we are up to date with the most advanced equipment and will continue to lead in the metalworking industry.


May 2024 Information of construction of a new factory for capital investment.
April 2024 (Warning) Please be careful of malicious fraudulent sites
April 2024 Ume-Tech Division's website is now open!
October 2023 Obtained ISO27001 (Information Security Management) certification.
May 2023 Featured in "Kaisha 2023 in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area: Growing in the Future"published by the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun East Japan Branch.
July 2022 Featured in the monthly magazine Sanpo-yoshi Keiei.
February 2022 Certified as a Health Management Practice Business Office in Saitama Perfecture.
March 2021 “Fumu Clean" wins the Technical Encouragement Award at the 33rd Precision Sheet Metal Technology Fair
December 2020 “Fumu Clean" was exhibited at the 33rd Precision Sheet Metal Technology Fair .
December 2020 Created "fumu Clean": a touchless sterilization stand technology
October 2020 Publication Materials of Health Management Excellency in Corporates
May 29, 2020 Certified as a Health Management Practice Business Office in Saitama Perfecture.
April 28, 2020 May Consecutive Holiday Notifications
16 April, 2020 【Notification】 Changes (Expansion) on the New Coronavirus Countermeasure Policy
April 8, 2020 【Notification】 Countermeasure Policy against the new coronavirus variant
March 2020 Acknowledged in Health Management Excellency 2020. [Certified]
March 2020 Introduction to Amada Corp EG 6013 AR.
April 2019 New! We are certified as a company that practices diverse work style in Saitama Prefecture
July 2018 We are declared as the company which promotes Active Roles for Senior Citizens in Saitama Prefecture. [Certified]
January 2018 Exhibition on 24th and 25th at Sainokuni Business Arena 2018 .
April 2017 Introduction to Amada Corp. FO-M IIRI3015.
October 2016 Introduction to Amada Corp HG8025
September 2016 Website renewal
July 2015 PT.Umeda Factory Indonesia obtained ISO9001.
April 2014 We are certified by our customer as environmental partner for meeting the requirements for environmental management system in green procurement.
2014 Introduction to Amada Corp. HG1003ATC.
2014 Introduction to TRUMPF Corp. TRUMATIC 6000 Fiber.
October 2013 Announcement: The establishment of PT.UMEDA FACTORY INDONESIA .
June 2013 Announcement: Sale of Shares in PT.UMEDA KOGYO INDONESIA
July 2012 H24 Global Warming Action Plan and H23 Report are now available.
2012 Participation in the easy CO2 reduction sheet .
2012 Introduction to Amada Corp. FLW4000.
August 21, 2010 Announcement of our global warming countermeasure plan in the Global Warming Prevention Plan.
March 1, 2009 Recognition as a certified company for IT management practices by the SME IT Management Award.
2009 Introduction to Makino Milling Machine Co. FB127 .
January 1, 2008 A preview co-hosted by TRUMP Corporation and Daiko Electronic Communications Co is held on January 25th and 26th .
June 4, 2007 Participation in the Sainokuni Eco Up Declaration.