Basic Policy on Health Management

In line with our management philosophy of “creating attractive products” and “contributing to society through our business,” we consider the health of our employees and their healthy working conditions to be an important management issue. The definition of “health management” is as follows.

“Health management” refers to the strategic implementation of health management for employees from a managerial perspective. (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) Corporate organizations are made up of human beings, and the health of the people who work there is of paramount importance in conducting business. Umeda Kogyo’s basic policy for health management is to contribute to society by revitalizing the organization and improving productivity through the promotion of health management that actively supports the health of employees, and beyond.

Hidenori Umeda, President and Representative Director, Chief Health Management Officer


March 2025 Certified as one of the Next Bright 1000 Health and Productivity Management Excellent Corporations.
November 2024 Lectured at the Saitama Prefecture Health Management Online Seminar.
July 2024 Health Management Seminar was held inviting AXA Life Insurance as a lecturer.
March 2024 Recognized as one of the Bright 500 Corporations for Excellent Health Management.

Year 2023

Year 2024

Year 2025

Promotion Structure

Indicators of Health Management

We will work to improve the following key indicators so that each and every employee can maximize their performance by fostering healthy and energetic employees through the promotion of employee-oriented health improvement and the creation of a healthy environment.


1. Increase in the percentage of employees who have started health improvement activities related to exercise
2. Decrease in smoking rate
3. Improvement of drinking habits
4. Absenteeism
5. Presenteeism
6. Work engagement
7. Job satisfaction

Changes in Health-Related Indicators and Target Values

Health-Related Indicators Year 2022 Year 2023 Year 2024 Target Value
(Year 2025)
Percentage of respondents who have started health improvement related to exercise 36% 32% 48% More than 55%
Smoking rate 36% 37% 30% 25%
Excessive drinking habit 11% 20% 12% 10%
Absenteeism (average number of days lost due to injury or illness) 4.4 days 4.4 days 6.7 days Less than 4 days
Presenteeism (rate of productivity loss) 25% 22% 26% Less than 15%
Work engagement
(Scores based on work engagement questions)
2,4 2,5 2,3 3,0
Job satisfaction (score based on employee survey)) 2,6 2,8 2,5 3,0

Effectiveness Verification of Health Management Initiatives

We conduct a health habit survey once a year for our employees to understand their specific health issues and verify the effectiveness of the survey.

Aging Assessment from 2022 to 2024