Accreditation System

Health Management Excellency

Certified as one of the “Bright 500 Corporations for Excellent Health Management” by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s Accreditation Accuracy for Excellent Health Management Corporations.

*The “Bright 500” program recognizes large corporations, small and medium-sized companies, and other corporations that implement excellent health management practices based on their efforts to address local health issues and the promotion of health promoted by the Japan Institute of Public Health.

Certified Health and Productivity Management Corporation 2025

Declaration of Senior Advancement Program

Saitama Prefecture has certified us as one of the “Declaration of Senior Advancement Program” companies in Saitama Prefecture.


*The Declaration of Senior Advancement Program is a system in which the prefecture certifies companies that are abolishing the mandatory retirement age, raising the retirement age, and creating a workplace environment in which seniors can work comfortably.

A Company That Practices Diverse Work Styles

Recognized as one of the “Companies that Practice Diverse Work Styles” by Saitama Prefecture.


*The “Companies with Diverse Work Styles” program is a prefectural certification system for companies that practice diverse work styles, such as telework and shorter working hours, in order to support the balance between work and home life.

Office of Health Management Practice

Certified as ” Office of Health Management Practice” by Saitama Prefecture.


*Office of Health Management Practice is a system to certify business offices and organizations that engage in health management for the purpose of promoting management that takes into consideration the health of employees and others at the business office.

Declaring Company for the Promotion of Male Childcare Leave

We are recognized as a “Company Declaring for the Promotion of Male Childcare Leave” in Saitama Prefecture.

We declare that we aim to create an employment environment in which employees can work and raise children with a sense of ease, and to create a company where work and childcare are balanced in harmony.

Saitama Prefecture SDGs Partner

We have been listed as an “SDGs Partner” of Saitama Prefecture.


Our Action Policies


We act in accordance with our management philosophy, “Creating attractive products – Contributing to society through our business,” and contribute to the development of local communities. This philosophy aspires to the same direction as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and every one of our employees shall engage in business activities with sincerity, thereby demonstrating our contribution to the achievement of the SDGs.

Business Innovation Plan

Approved by the Management Innovation Planning Board of Saitama Prefecture.


Saitama Prefecture approves business plans and supports new initiatives by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) aiming to improve their business management.


The theme of the management innovation plan 

– Establishment of next generation production system by promoting DX

Business Continuity Enhancement Plan

Accredited as a Business Continuity Enhancement Plan by the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency.

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry certifies the Plan for Disaster Prevention and Disaster Mitigation formulated by small and medium-sized enterprises as a “Business Continuity Enhancement Plan”.